

I am a programmer with Footprints, Inc in Moab, Utah. We specialize in database solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Prior to that I was a grad student and did my research on the ATLAS Experiment, part of CERN's Large Hadron Collider. I graduated in May of 2013 from Stony Brook University. My thesis was titled Search for Supersymmetry in States with Large Missing Transverse Momentum and Three Leptons including a Z-Boson and my research advised by Robert McCarthy. I was stationed at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland for four and a half years, where I did service work and research for my PhD.

Prior to attending Stony Brook University, I was a student at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I graduated in 2004 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics & Physics, magna cum laude. While a student, I did my honors thesis under Urial Nauenberg on the subject of supersymmetry searchs at the hyothetical Next Linear Collider, now called the International Linear Collider. This specifically concerned measuring the mass edge of the second neutralino.

I grew up on the Western Slope of Colorado. I was born in Grand Junction, grew up in Clifton, and graduated from Palisade High School in 2000.

This website was written to serve as an information point for me and to provide me with a place to showcase my projects, both career-wise and hobby-wise. And also just to blog about things I find cool.



Personal website of Jet Goodson ©2025

Email: JetGoodson at gmail.com